Articles, essays and interviews

Feature for MIR Online

I selected 6 of the best science books to upend your view of reality for MIR Online

Aphantsia and Traumatic Memory

Feature for exploring the fascinating links between reduced mental imagery and intrusive visual memories in PTSD including interviews with neuroscientist Joel Pearson of the Future Minds Lab and clinical psychologist Estelle McDougall

Interview with Anthony McGowan

I spoke to Carnegie Medal winning children’s author about life, his unusual journey into publishing, and his incredible new novel Dogs of the Deadlands for MIR Online

The Edge of Me

Essay for Interalia Magazine offering a personal perspective of what it is like to live inside a mind that is both brimming with creativity yet sometimes at the mercy of overstimulated and self-destructive thought patterns.

View From The Side: How Sexual Assault Affects Us All

Personal essay in The Ransom Note reflecting on sexual assault and the culture of misogyny within the electronic music industry

A Drexciyan Saga: Abdul Qadim Haqq talks

Interview with Detroit based sci-fi artist Abdul Qadim Haqq for The Ransom Note about his life in creativity.

Allesandro Cortini and Suzanne Ciani Live at the Barbican

Live music review for The Ransom Note

Junior Tomlin Talks

Interview with pioneering UK graphic artist about sci-fi, afrofuturism, and rave culture for The Ransom Note

Reflections: FYI Chris in Conversation

Interview with Chris Coupe and Chris Watson about their new release on West Friends Records